Thursday, February 7, 2008

I'm I overreacting ….?!!

My best friend and I just had a heated discussion about and I quote ' my obsession' of my new car while I only see it as a normal thing…
For a while I've been driving my old sister/brother's car that belonged to my dad at some point.
MEANING...IT WAS AN OLD CAR and it didn't look very well on the outside either.
On the other hand, My new car is a brand new model and it's really nice it's no lancer or corolla 'Somalis favorite cars' .it's way more expensive and it was my father's graduation present for me. No one has ever given me a gift like that .I've only had it for less than two weeks, and the fear of getting into an accident and trashing my car never leaves me 4 one mint. The problem is my friend asked if I could give her a ride somewhere (to a really crowded place)of course I panicked and said I really don't think I can do it .then I thought about it for a mint and figured that it won't that crowded in the morning but the fact that I've never been there by myself scares me ,and even though that she knows how to get there .I had nightmares of her showing me the way and me maybe misinterpreting something she said and causing an accident .I don't know. I just don't take directions too well while driving (my mum started this whole irrational fair by saying: weren't we suppose to go there (WHEN WE PASS THE DAMN EXIT)UKH
Anyways I told my friend that I'm really not sure about this and then she freaked me out by saying how ppl CAN CRASH INTO MY CAR or scratch it or whatever when I'm not around and I should take it easy or whatever .anyways I had a (A PANICK ATTACK )I 'm not kidding. I couldn't breath 4 a mint and I couldn't believe HOW could she could scare me like this .I'm already scared and I don't NEED anyone to make me feel even worse .I love my friend ,she used to understand me better than ANYONE BT I'M SCARED NOW SHE thinks I'm rubbing this in her face(me having a car while she can't have one right now).I don't want to be the 'drama queen' or be overprotective bt I honestly don't think it's my fault.
I'M HAVING THE BEST TIME OF MY LIFE. I loveeee my car. I love going out and racing with my friends, hanging and all that .even going to the supermarket is more fun b/c of my new ride. just b/c I don't WANT someone with dirty feet to get into my car or just b/c I'm scared of going to new places doez NOT make me a weirdo.doez it?


Lonesome Dreamer said...

Your friend should understand...goodness sakes you've only had it for 2 weeks! It's understandble...when you've had it for a while and get comfortable then things will change.

Tell her to back off (in a nice way of course :D).

NATIVE said...

I agree with dreamer above

However, if this obsession goes on for more than a month or should be worried :D

Anonymous said...

Hopeless Dreamer, you have every right to worry about your car. It will only last as long as you take care of it. Friends should understand that, so go ahead and be as protective and possessive as you can be.

Anonymous said...

lol well i mean maybe you are bein a bit overprotective because like your friend did mention anything CAN happen to...i mean you have proper insurance right?

but aya is right it will last as long as you take care of what did daddy get you? lol i got a lancer lol :)

Hopeless Dreamer said...

Thanx guys 4 taking the time to replay and I'm soo glad u all understood how I feel :- )

Idil: I know I could be a bit overprotective bt this car is REALLY nice and my dad is the one paying 4 it not moi, if I was the one paying 4 it ,trust me it Would be a completely different story;- )
My first car was lancer (take good care of it, mine lasted forever bc I did that)bas now alxamdellah life is soo much better : -)

Anonymous said...

do you know of anyone dying of famine and desease in your country(somalia) why not have a panic attack about them? you over indulged CHILD.

Anonymous said...

hmm i think i smell a hater..