Sunday, October 7, 2007


Weird things r happening to me!!!

2day was hard for me, I was sick n couldn't go 2 college ,I ended up skipping one lecture (error analysis)and i felt bad about it ,ok u guys don’t know me ,I hardly have a Good time in a lecture or wish i was there when i'm absent ,this is weird!!!
Maybe b/c I luv lectures that r based on discussions rather than copying and writing endless pages that will be forgotten as soon as I leave the class,and maybe b/c I have a secret CRUSH on my prof ,Hey,,its harmless!!

I'll show u the light!!!

One of my new teachers is taking her job way too seriously, some1 should fill her in about how things r around here ,we can't handle 2 much work ! I understand that Egyptians r bookish ppl and can deal with the endless amount of work that she used to give em..BUT hello!!!!this is not Egypt soo take a break and relax and let me show u the light;-)


I've always thought that I'm the only Somali girl who lives with her mum n have a billion chance to learn bt still can't stand cooking or eating 4 the matter (except what it iz necessary to keep me alive other wise I'll drop dead of course :p
But since cooking is one my electives courses, I took it,I still can't believe I did that,, my mum is sure that I'll Fai!!axx
But I honestly think that with the presence of my friends ..I might even learn something and Surprise Hooyo(smile)

A few Things I wish that I could change in Ramadan

1-mosques being filled with men/women in their fifties, while the younger generation is glued to the television afraid to miss 1 episode from 3ores eldam(myself included, sometimes!!))

2-girls wearing full make up ,tight outfits be4 8 am in Ramadan, when do they have time to do all that ,in my case if had time to wash my face I'll be damn lucky

3-others wearing abaya and acting all religious Only in Ramadan, I wish 7'air to every1 but they sound hypocrites to me..

4-teachers giving their poor students 2 many assignments and quizzes +a 2 hour long (lecture) !! what!!I seriously can't handle it…i'm just wondering bt aren't we all Muslims here?? , Compassion ppl!!


Anonymous said...

I so empathize with you right now sis!!!

You will get through this!! (look at me sounding like something off from a speech on an American youth series) - but seriously! Lectures and boredom is inevitable! One cannot exist without the other

Cooking are we Iman...well well well - im just kiddin! No im sure this will give u better confidence to do is really more about that rather than skill after all. And not only will your hooyo be pleased...but your future husband! maybe...unless you plan/dream to marry a chef like moi

lol lol...

Anonymous said...

Iman loool,there was this woman who i had as a lecturer a year ago and i had a secret crush on her,the funny thing is,she was a Somalian and she was 50 years old and looked like 27,an exchange proff from Belgium.Well good for me coz i ended up dating her daughter,after finding out that she was almost as old as my dad and has a daughter who became my buddy.I accidentally met her at her Mom's office :D

Gee,never knew that Egyptians were bookish.I just know they do alot of booto and talk

Iman u too cannot cook?OMG what is the world coming to?All the guys now know how to cook and all the girls don't know a thing about cooking.Yaab waaye! Welcome to team of Queeny,Native and now U.lool

Take care abaayo,Eid mubarak and keep on doing the great deeds,mashaAllah,u are amazing.

Hopeless Dreamer said...

Rose :: I know I should start getting on learning how to cook (Soon)cuz let's face it ,I'm not getting any younger ,and except 4 titoo ,all Somali guys don’t know how to cook even if they do ,They EXPECT u to do the cooking, cuz ur a women.!!!!!!
Wat r the chances of us finding a Somali cook!!I wonder??

citizentito::Lolllll,,a gorgeous Somali in her fifties ,wow..i think u've witnessed a once in a life time phenomena ,normally married Somali women act as islamoo (once they have babies )n call u Edoo ,even if they r only 10 yrs older than u…I wonder if my professor has a younger brother, I would've made a plan to run into him anywhere (ACcidentaly of course)hehehe

Anonymous said...


It can happen!!!

If tito can cook, then i am sure there are other guys like him!

Right? (worried face) Maybe i should just give up and get that digsii out.....

Hopeless Dreamer said...

lollll...Rose ..I sure hope So, bt my mum jokes about me marrying a chef means =he'll give me a hard time in cooking and he'll be even picker than the rest in his choices ,so uhh,i give up now(white flag) I will learn(ihy ihy). Actually I've recently started to watch my mum(COOK) and maybe in the spring break I'll start to do sum serious cooking ;-)

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with you on the 4th one. It’s the 4th week into my A2 and they are already drowning us with homework, which I generally don’t dislike, it’s just the continuality of it that gets stressing. I suppose its something that would benefit us on the long run, and how we should bite our tongues, pull up our sleeves and just do it ^_^

Anyway, I take it your doing alevels, if so then good luck!

*looks forward in leaving his damned college*

P.S – Advice from a brother to a sister… Never ever go to MPW. There ^_^ I’ve become an official rebel.

Lonesome Dreamer said...

Men will only cook if they're gonna get paid...that's why there are alot more men chefts than women.

Women do it for nothing and most often without thanks :P

Unheardphilosopher said...

that is not true...women cook it to get better bed time.....if you know what I mean ;-).....that has been said....I found men who xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaxly sexy......and tito..I wonder what he makes...microwaved tea...hah....