Thursday, September 20, 2007


MY dream job

When ppl normally encounter a small child in the street or in a family gathering, all u can hear iz them saying.. ,HOW cute he iz..Isn't he adorable ,,and soo on…well .I'm not one of those ppl o.k. admit…kids that age (infants)SCARE the hell out of me….older ones, ,,uh the case is similar here, THEY GROSS me out,,,I don't know why(DING DONG,,,maybe cuz I'm the youngest one in the family)anyways ,Tonight ,at the tarawix prayer ,some kid kept on leaning on my black and using me as a Chair,(she was around 2)and wallahi I was so scared I might hurt here or something, I ended up praying a half a mint slower than the rest of the I can make sure I Won't accidentally ,injure the poor girl (axxx),,,She was SOO tiny!!!!
I'm actually having second thoughts about the 3 yr old girl who was lost and when I tried to help her she screamed at the top of her lungs (Hello…b/c of my color,damn I NEED to c Africa one day ,my self esteem is going down the drains with cadaan ppl around me 247,,,ukh,,,))
Anyways don't worry…some carb came and Surprise Surpise, she amazingly cooperated with them….
Why can't I avoid children altogether, not hard..HA!!!(Wrong……it iz HARD, no let me rephrase that , it's Impossible! I'm training to become,exem exem,A teacher!!!
Meaning, I'll be around lil kids from ages 6-10…ALL the time
Plz..try to make DUcAA for the poor kids who'll be placed under my care
Ps: on a more serious note b/c they scare me so much I ended up complementing them A LOT..(Kids love that) good job. Excellent work. things like that, so seriously I don't think I'll Make a very bad teacher, I honestly believe that I might even learn something new(from carrorta,of course) :-)

A break

Have u ever heard of friends taking a break from each other, well, I didn't , ,I heard ppl in a relationship asking 4 breaks ,not friends and to be to be more specific best friends!!!
The truth is, I'm starting to feel me and BFF r in a different place right now ,she's been through A Lot, She's
already comfortable with who she is ,and the confidence she has in herself is beyond your imagination, while ,I'm practically struggling with all the above,, I know that friends are not suppose to be (twins )and I was ok with that ,I never cared about our differences ,until very recently where she accused me of being ,,I'm having a hard time saying thiz..(Shallow) ..which of course, I'm not!!..ok,so what.. I like watching TV,I happen to find a few actors hot,(big deal!!)I,duno, like to go out,,(things like that)SO khlaa9 I'm shallow,there is more to me than Just that ,for example:I love to read ,I love literature, poems ,old ones sometimes ,I'm always willing to listen to ppl and discuss different matters..SOO I find one topic boring, n yalla I'm Shallow,u no what!? I'm done with this ,I'm through, life is too short to keep things inside, I simply told her ..I need a break, I'll call u when I'm ready, I love this person. I know she means well, but u no what, I don't need U to put me down anymore ,so after I think about it for a while, I'll simply say RESPECT baby RESPECT, no more of your comments ,and 2 tell u the truth, I like who I am now, ,it's not my problem your over mature, One of these days I'll be where u are now, till then ,KEEP ur mouth SHUT and accept who I am or ELSE??!!!!


I keep talking about this topic, I'm not sure why. maybe b/c my father keeps on commenting whenever I asked about a certain qabil (which is something I would've never done a few months ago),or discuss the differences between citizens and residents in kw,,that I'm searching for an identity, a place to call home, where my routs are, I sometimes envy(not often)the Somalis why live in the western world,wallahi not 4 the reasons that most Somali have, a better life ,a chance for a good education ,!!!in my case ,I actually like kw,I wouldn't mind to live here 4 the rest of my life ,bak to my reason.. its quiet simple actually,((Belonging)) ,they have the right to say I'm American ,or as my 11 yr old coz ,who came to visit us from UK used to say whenever we try to keep her inside the house ,I'm Britsh,OVER n over,TILL we shut her up ,with the usual comment…Hey, stop believing yourself ,you r SOMALI…capish!!!!
That precious feeling is missing from my life ,and I often find myself searching for it.,,by trying to know more about who I am, bonding with Somalis ,things like that, its so weird how my brother would tell my dad for EX,that dude is from jebreel aboker but his mum is so and so,oh my God, ,,when he left he was around 22,and I swear I doubt he knew his own qabil,what is that,qabilist?!!! ,OF course not, the poor guy NEVER BEFRIEBDED Somali guys ,or saw any for more than a few hours for that matter, Now,hiz Somali improved (much),and he'll tell ME ii waran walal…HOW cool is that, he found that feeling ,not in his home ,but he found it, I'm so proud(and a bit envious)will I ever feel like that!!!
Inshallah..SAY amin

Ramadan KARIM

Ramadan has finally arrived..marxaba marxaba…for the first days of this holly month, I was at the comfort of own home ,doing (nothing) ,I'm starting this Sunday(they recently changed the holiday from Thursday and Friday to Friday and sat, what the heck,I hate this ,I'll be working/studying in Thursdays .I'm soo not used to this,anyways I just bought a new computer, the old one was crap and I lived with no NET for almost 3 weeks, I'm pleased to say, I SURVIDED,YAY, but to tell u the truth I'm not so sure this new one is great either..alllah yaster…

Moslasal wara mosalsal wara mosalsal

This holly month is 4 praying ,for cibada, ,reading quraan, and all that but the TV channels r competing in the amount of mindless,, useless TV series they Can produce every yr,I have a stupid question, since when it's ok to play lesbians and gays in khaleejy series..EWW..what has gone into the araab/khlaeeji world!!!
I'm bored of everything the only thing I only is a comedy show(hatha waladna)fawazir(xalima)and a game show(bela kelma)..only!!!!and yes I almost forgot a Syrian series on Dubai..oh my my,,Syrians R sure cute..hehehe
Ps:of course I watch at least 2 religious shows R we forgetting that THIS iz Ramadan")

Ops bad…

This is what I said today when I took a U turn and neglected to check for the cars coming from my left side N almost CRASHED into a huge truck(THE sound OF PEEEEP ,brought me bak to planet earth).walahi I don't know why I can't keep my emotions and my driving time separate ,I'm not a sucky driver seriously, normally I drive like a normal person, but when I'm mad, or upset like I was 2day,I was driving SOO fast in my quiet lil residential area, what was I thinking…if there iz such a thing like an emotional driver ,then I'm sure one of them…axxx


Sam said...

ishlonij ya mu3awadah. I know how frustrating it can sometimes get living in the GCC. At least you ladies can drive in KW; wish I could say the same for KSA. However, as far as your nationality goes, the good thing is, you're not a 'bedoon' like other unfortunate ones.

Hopeless Dreamer said...

tamam ya me3awad...shlonek ent..??
7ada i agree with u,i have a bedoon friend and wallahi it breaks my heart that I can go to school for free and she has to go to a private school, even though her family kuwitiya(ma3roofa we 3areeqa ba3ad))how unfair!..alxadellah iny somaliya:-)
WLC to my blog,,and mubarak 3aleek elshahar